Hello and welcome to my blog.
As a professional photographer, I believe it is my responsibility to generate the best possible finished print products for my clients who commission my creative expertise. I feel the same way about the information contained within my blog.
I have studied with many top photographic and traditional fine artists in the world. My knowledge and their influences have helped me create mixed media photographic art in the classical stylings of old-world master artists like John Howard Sanden, John Singer Sargent, Renoir, or Rembrandt among others. The other side of being a professional portrait artist is that of being a knowledgeable business owner. While I am learning my way through the second part, I do hope to inspire you within the messaging and the content I choose to share within my digital footprint here and across my social media sites.
The result - together, we will breathe life into the details of your vision and that will be translated and then presented to the world as beautiful original works of art, worthy of prominent display in your home and business. The finished pieces will be passed on and enjoyed by future generations, to be enjoyed for a lifetime. And the stories that go with them will be shared here, for others to enjoy and learn and be inspired by.
According to National Geographic, a "family" is a group of people related by the ties of blood, marriage, or adoption. The study of a family's origins and history is known as genealogy. Your genealogy includes all the people who are related to you across all of history. Your siblings, parents, grandparents, and even your great-great-great-grandparents each represent a different generation in this ancestry. A generation is a set of family members who make up one step, or stage, in your family history.
We know that families come in all shapes and sizes. Our family photos connect us to those who came before. By letting your kids see your photos from the past and the present, they become connected to their own stories. They know the family members and ancestors who came before them and helped shape the world they see today.
We use family portraits to:
- document growth, of the members, as well as the family unit
- because life happens and when someone is no longer with us, they live on in our images
- and for reliving memories, and the moment the camera shutter captured you
When was the last time you had portraits created of your family?
Too often, families wait for the "perfect time" to come, but that time never comes. We miss the opportunity to capture important moments of our children while they are young. We are so busy building our futures and it seems as if, in the blink of an eye, our children have grown up, and are packing their bags and going off to college or to live their own adult lives.
Save your family's legacy from the feelings of regret and longing. It's not too late. The opportunity to preserve these precious moments and milestones is now.